The Vancouver Foreign Film Society Was incorporated under the BC Society Act on

 March 11, 2014

The purposes of the society are:


  1. To create a Foreign Film Club that will provide community access to international / foreign films from around the world  that are not readily accessible or available in the Greater Vancouver area.
  2. To support and promote presentation and appreciation of international / foreign films to members and exhibit such films in an established cinema or theatre or similar facility located in the Greater Vancouver area.
  3. To create a close-knit community of like-minded members who have a common interest and appreciation of international /foreign films screened by the society.
  4. To provide an opportunity to members whose original spoken language may be other than English and to screen these films in the language of origin with appropriate subtitles in English to benefit all members.
  5. To foster and promote appreciation for and an understanding of different cultures to members through the screening of such international / foreign films.
  6. To provide a platform for discussion of international / foreign films following a screening

     Our society is governed by the New Societies Act which came into effect November 28, 2016


Our Board

Ian Merkel – President And Founder / Treasurer

Birgit Westergaard – V. President and Co-Founder

Lisa Naiberg -Film Reviewer

Arash Taheri – Film Reviewer and Treasurer

Ronen Leibman – Film Reviewer and Social Media


Our Volunteers

Vancouver Foreign Film Society has always relied on our volunteers and board members to help out with ticket sales, memberships, social media and private club screenings. 
We have greatly appreciated their help and a special thanks goes out to those who have volunteered with us in the past .


We are always happy to provide our volunteers with complimentary Private Film Club Membership and 

other perks at VIFF  including complimentary tickets when available

We are currently looking for Board Members to assist with Film Reviewing and Website Maintenance

Volunteer Link