Capsule Reviews RENDEZ-VOUZ French Film Festival

While the 28th festival is now over – films continue on line  through

 Eventive or through Vision Quest Productions 

Une révision (A revision)  by Catherine Therrien

Winner of 4 awards this film with a rating of 7.2 on IMDB was an interesting take on educational requirements in various University faculties :  What is acceptable in terms of religious references and what is expected by students in terms of their own critical thinking: 


The acting is good and the tug of war between professor and student is engaging with a surprise turn of events  events ***  3 1/2 stars 

 Cinquième set (Final Set) by Quentin Reynaud

If you are into films of tennis matches you may find this film interesting and exciting to watch. The character building and cinematography are great. and made for and enjoyable film 89% audience on Rotten Tomatoes


Thomas Edison was once considered the great French hope in tennis but when he self-destructed at age 18 during a semi-final match at Roland Garros, the storied home of the French Open, that promise never panned out.

**** 4 stars

Au revoir le bonheur (Goodbye Happiness) by Ken Scott

A delightful Film that I was very happy to see at the VIFF Vancity theatre with a good mix of regular filmgoers and the Rendez-voux French Canadian Supporters


Light and entertaining it was a relaxing fun film to watch and take us away from all the Covid and War in Ukraine news items, that seem to fill our spaces these days

***  3 and1/2 stars


Comme une vague /Big Giant Wave  by Marie-Julie Dallaire

Opening film at the RENDEZ-VOUZ French Film Festival 2022 and on-line I was happy to see the film again on the Big Screen at VIFF for free as part of Canada Film Day  .


A beautiful film that incorporates the sound of nature into the sounds of music interweaving the two into a fascinating documentary that is both a testament to save our planet and indulge in music for the soul.

****1/2  4 1/2 stars